VR stuff Re: existanZ

From: Artillo5@cs.com
Date: Sun Jan 14 2001 - 20:55:51 MST

hi Everyone,

Yeah I saw some of that movie (Existenz), it actually brought back some
memories of "The 13th Floor" for me, another pretty good movie. Speaking of
VR technology, I was wondering if you have ever heard of Activeworlds. It is
a standalone browser (runs on top of ISP connection) that allows you to
interact in 3D worlds with other users' avatars and actually BUILD pretty
much whatever you want using objects in the worlds. There are over 700
different worlds to explore, and the largest one is 4.4% larger than the
state of California, virtually speaking! It is the first interactve VR
program that I have seen that allows this in such an easy to use interface.
It is totally integrated to the web and has text chat inside it and many
other features. Plus it is FREE to try out and only 20 bucks a year for
"citizenship". I have been trying to get as many people as I know into it
because it is so easy to use (especially since system requirements are really
low to run it), and because it is WAY more fun than text chat and email.
Anyways, I thought you would all be very interested in it because it actually
puts the "space" in cyberspace!

Check it out here:

and my personal Activeworlds website:

Peace! - Brian

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