RE: SELF-IMPROVEMENT: Cognitive deficits: Talking primates and "The Problem"...

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Sat Jan 13 2001 - 20:38:45 MST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 18:47:37 -0800
>From: "Michael M. Butler" <>
>I have had reason recently to consider a species of hyperfocus that can
>set in. Sometimes, fueled by habit or high emotions, people get wound up
>in talking about "the problem". This can quickly become The Problem or
>even THE PROBLEM. Tunnel vision naturally ensues. Severe tunnel vision
>has costs, including alienation and behavior that might seem extreme.
One of the characteristics of this schema is that the people perpetrating and perpetuating the problem see their actions as furthering their personal solution, which is for everyone to join their position on the issue they are campaigning to further, when in fact the everyone to whom they are directing their deluge are, far from being converted, bone-tired of it and simply do not want to hear it any more.
>I have had a chapter title in the back of my mind for some time now:
>"The problem is 'The Problem Is...'"
>Has anyone got constructive comments on how to productively deal with
>this sort of thing? I've written a bunch of stuff elsewhere on flaming
>causes and cures. I'll post a URL if it's worth bothering.
>We can save "All <x> do <y>, so all who do <y> must be <x>" for another
Aiding and abetting is prima facie evidence of commonality.

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