Re: GUNS/TOOLS :Re: cheap thrills for Bay Area gun-nuts

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 22:18:49 MST

"Joe Dees" <> wrote,
>Mikey, Brian, Chuck, James and the Boys get some gun-nut cyberporn:

It is inappropriate to mock people on this list. This amounts to an
ad hominem attack. You can write a humorous spoof of a fictional
nature, or you can refer to list members in a realistic manner. But
when you make up degrading stories about list members, this is a form
of harassment. It is intended to insult rather than entertain or
inform. It is not only rude to your intended victims, but it is
embarrassing to everyone on the list. In the future, please consider
sharing your satire with the list while restricting your insults to
private e-mail.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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