Re: Extremism

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 15:31:42 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> >Oh, and Joe, you still haven't told us if you are related to Donna
> >Dees-Thomases. Are you related to the founder of the million mom march?
> >C'mon, its not so hard to tell the truth...
> Mike,
> Inventing an imaginary blood lineage for Joe is just ad hominem.
> Insisting that he admit or deny your unfounded claim is just
> harassment. Repeatedly posting this to the list is just spam.
> Please consider terminating this line of attack.

Well, now that he has finally answered it (after being asked at least
half a dozen times, the avoidance of which seemed suspicious) I will
desist pending any evidence to the contrary. The thing is that
anti-gunners from the inner circle of HCI and other beltway lobbying
groups who paint themselves as moderates like Joe go around the web
trolling news groups and mail lists and will start flame wars to route
out any pockets of resistance to the beltway politically correct wisdom.
Joe's rhetoric was extremely similar to that normally seen from such
trolls, so I thought I'd see if I could hook anything.

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