Re: primate--false fix?

From: John Marlow (
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 21:31:11 MST

Q: Do you think it possible that when these animals
are genetically altered to come down with human
diseases, and genetic fixes for those diseases are
developed--that the fixes will not work in humans
because the process of artificially altering the
animals itself introduces factors which are (or are
not) present in the "naturally-occurring" human

Only one way to find out, alas.

john marlow

--- Anders Sandberg <> wrote:
> quoted:
> > Born in October, the male monkey carries a tiny
> extra bit of DNA in a gene
> > introduced as a marker that can be seen under a
> microscope because it glows
> > green, researchers at Oregon Health Sciences
> University said.
> Ha! I predicted it several years back when I first
> heard about
> phosphorescent mice! I'm becoming a futurologist! Oh
> dear, that isn't
> good at all... :-)
> I found it interesting how negative the comments
> were. Even taking
> into account that people like to be cautious and are
> not as optimistic
> as we generally are, they sounded extremely
> negative.
> I guess that genetic modification of primates will
> not become a big
> thing for some time yet simply due to the cost and
> slow generation
> time. Mice and yeast is much more useful for
> research. What they will
> be useful for, and this is perhaps what deeply
> worried the commentors,
> is that we need it for testing out changes we might
> want to do in
> humans. It is the hint of application that worries
> them?
> Welcome, Andi!
> --
> Anders Sandberg
> Towards Ascension!
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