Re: Lickingt 9 VOLT batteries with tip of tongue. How about Eye Balls?

From: Ralph Lewis (
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 10:13:49 MST

NO NO NO STAY AWAY FROM THE EYES or any part of the face!!!!!!!!!!
Very high voltage from UV wands, Van de Graff generators etc can BURN.

Also stay way from any current across the chest.

even a 9 volt battery can kill if the contacts break the skin and the current
crosses the heart.

the most likely reason you feel like the field has its own life is as you
break the natural field it will deform the electric field in a dynamic fashion.

any college level text book on electric fields might be interesting, they do
require differential equations though.

and yes they are fun to play with but do so with care, the output levels
were never designed for biological use.

also tesla coils are a lot of fun but reqquire a LOT more care to play with

Best Ralph

At 12:26 AM 01/09/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Today the Van de Graff generator from Edmond Scientific arrived via UPS
>I didn't have the resources to purchase a discharge the discharge electrode,
>so I just started playing with moving my hands around the "cloud"
>surrounding the polished aluminum.
>Amazing beyond description! Kind of a cute little widget. Looks like a
>little household robot!!
>Anyway, it's a wonderful feeling to play with the electrostatic cloud. It's
>fun to be not so close as to arc, close enough the keep a good flow between
>the body and the unit. As the cloud grows, the body move farther and
>farther away from the ball and feel the cloud following and clinging. Of
>course, moving too quickly breaks the circuit between the body and the
>generator and the cloud "withdraws" and that invisible touchy-feely
>sensation drops dramatically.
>It's bizarre! I'd swear that there's some kind of intelligence in the
>Even when using my finger as a wand and doing the little lightning bolt
>thing from 13" away, the rythm of the snapping sound is almost musical.
>Like morse code.
>--.. (hard to express with plain text). Wierd how that fuzzy "spider web"
>sensation follows me around the house.
>I'd swear I have an electrode in my pleasure center that stimulates the
>nucleus accumbens whenever I'm in the best posture for the maximum
>continuity of the cloud around my body. Also I've noticed that the cloud
>changes as I change the pressure of my lower teeth against my upper teeth.
>Have you ever tried biting "down" on only one size of your mouth, then
>switching to the other side? The sensation of the cloud is similar and
>seems related to my eyeball movements as well as posture.
>What the heck is going on? Is this the "best kept secret" or what!?
>I like licking 9 volt batteries with the tip of my tongue. Seems perfectly
>safe. Went ahead and started using my tongue as a discharge electrode from
>about 1 foot from the ball. Freaky. Looks cool with the lights out.
>Major question for you scientists: could I use my eyeballs as well? It's be
>kind of cool to look a lightning bolt in the eye as it travels a foot
>through the air straight into the center of the cornea! Anyone tried this
>yet? I'm itching to give it a try but haven't gotten up the nerve; it'd
>bite to have blurry vision.
>Since playing with the thing, I can feel my mother from across the room when
>she walks into the room. Enchanting and heart warming. She's got some good
>I get absent-minded at times (careless, I suppose). I went straight from a
>one-hour session with the Van de Graff and sat down at the computer and put
>my hand on the mouse. Pop-snap! Suddenly the X-axis on the mouse arrow
>stopped working. Cleaned the rollers, but didn't fix it. Y-axis worked
>fine, though. Replaced it with an optical mouse, but will try to correct
>the root cause of the problem by installing a grounded-discharge pad
>somewhere near the computer.
>Have a nice day!
>Ken Meyering
>p.s. (I've given the nickname 'ing' to my stealthy other.)

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