Re: Nuke weapon/reactor/waste horror story links?

From: John Marlow (
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 00:27:21 MST

Again, quite possible. I myself make it a habit to
assume nothing.

john marlow

--- "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <>
> John Marlow wrote:
> > 
> > Could be; as I said, it's a guess--but I suspect
> > neither of knows the true capabilities of current
> > detection gear.
> I myself know nothing about either the rad sources
> or the detection
> capability, but as a general rule, I'd note that
> even where Government
> Secrecy rears its ugly head, you can still make
> statements like "The NSA
> would need a 10,000-fold improvement over any
> radiation detection
> instrument known to science before they could detect
> a moving warhead from
> orbit."  No, you don't know the true capabilities of
> current detection
> gear, but if finding warheads would take TL11
> detection gear you can
> probably assume the NSA doesn't have it.
> (TL11 == "Tech Level 11".  Contemporary civ is
> around TL7, maybe TL8 in a
> few places.)
> --              --              --              --  
>            -- 
> Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                         
> Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for
> Artificial Intelligence
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