Re: Fish in Space

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 08:20:36 MST

Ross A. Finlayson wrote:

> Damien Broderick wrote:
> > At 10:02 AM 7/01/01 -0500, Ross wrote:
> >
> > >Also, on Mercury, as it doesn't spin as it revolves around the Sun but points
> > >towards it, half of Mercury is always pointed towards the Sun and the
> > other half
> > >dark, like Earth's Moon.
> >

One way to look at this statement is that it is true, in that neither Mercury nor the
moon continually point towards the Sun. It is comprised of two false statements,

> > Whaaaat? Mercury's day does not equal its year; this has been known for
> > decades. Half of the Moon is not always dark, one reason to bite your lip
> > in fury when people refer to the `dark side of the Moon' when they mean the
> > `far side of the Moon' (in relation to Earth).
> >
> > Damien Broderick
> As they say in Japan, "my bad." I was already informed of my misunderstanding. I
> realize the point the same face towards the Earth, not the Sun. It was an invalid
> statement and inference that I made. The falsehood of my previous statement is
> agreed.
> Ross
> --
> Ross Andrew Finlayson
> Finlayson Consulting
> Ross at Tiki-Lounge:
> "The best mathematician in the world is Maplev in Ontario." - Pertti L.

Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:
"The best mathematician in the world is Maplev in Ontario."  - Pertti L.

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