Re: Extremism

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 19:38:29 MST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 15:09:59 -0800
>From: James Rogers <>
>Subject: Re: Extremism
>At 01:46 PM 1/8/01 -0800, Joe Dees wrote:
>[...much foaming at the mouth elided...]
>>Yes, you have principles, but they are EXTREME ones, as are those of James
>>Rogers and Brian Williams, your progun extremist droogies.
>Hey, *I'm* not the one who has to wipe spittle off my monitor from rabid
>venting. You are a tool of your emotional imbalance.
     You have accused me of being both an ignorant and clueless dupe and a malevolent and duplicitous shill, even though those two categories are mutually exclusive - just like extremists do to any who do not agree with them in every particular. You have been sneering, snide, smug, supercilious, contemptuous, dismissive, and generally self-righteous and absolutistically and unreflectively self-certain towards both me and my positions - just like extremists would be. You and the droogies that I named engaged in a pack assault upon me when I had the temerity and gall to challenge your totalitarian thought-hegemony enforcement on this list - just like a herd of extremist sheeple would - resulting in the list consensus decision that you create another list within which to proselytize and propagandize each other, and mutually sing to the approving choir. The shoe fits, and whether or not you have the prerequisite honesty and integrity to admit it to yourself or others, you hav!
e been styling it, until the exi-freedom banishment, for some time now.
>-James Rogers

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