RE: extropians-digest V6 #8

From: Mihail Faina (
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 09:09:55 MST

  Thanks for including the whole paragraph. I should of done it but I didn't

  want to take too much space. It just happened that what I read (The
Harvard Classics -P F Collier & son) has his discourse divided as you
recommend (more power to you!). More than "One Book" references here that
anybody needs..
Now if you just can explain the Sartre allusion in a prior entry...

J. R. Molloy wrote:

"I still continued, however, to hold in esteem the studies of the schools.
I was aware that the languages taught in them are necessary to the
understanding of the writings of the ancients; that the grace of fable
stirs the mind; that the memorable deeds of history elevate it; and, if
read with discretion, aid in forming the judgment; that the perusal of all
excellent books is, as it were, to interview with the noblest men of past
ages, who have written them, and even a studied interview, in which are
discovered to us only their choicest thoughts; that eloquence has
incomparable force and beauty; that poesy has its ravishing graces and
delights; that in the mathematics there are many refined discoveries
eminently suited to gratify the inquisitive, as well as further all the
arts an lessen the labour of man; that numerous highly useful precepts and
exhortations to virtue are contained in treatises on morals; that theology
points out the path to heaven; that philosophy affords the means of
discoursing with an appearance of truth on all matters, and commands the
admiration of the more simple; that jurisprudence, medicine, and the other
sciences, secure for their cultivators honors and riches; and, in fine,
that it is useful to bestow some attention upon all, even upon those
abounding the most in superstition and error, that we may be in a position
to determine their real value, and guard against being deceived."

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