Re: Fish in Space

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 20:37:53 MST

"Ross A. Finlayson" wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mars, it is cold because it is farther from the Sun, and gravity is
> less. There is not enough air to breathe. There might be large
> quantities of water. It does not have geodetic activity like the Earth.
> On Earth, we have kudzu, an example of a plant that grows using runners
> across the ground to stop erosion. On Mars, if there was liquid water
> on the surface, then we could seed Mars with Earth life.
> Some plants and animals on Earth live in desert-like conditions, where
> the weather does not have to be good to support Earth life. For
> example, some fish can live for years without water and perhaps air,
> basically.
> So, there could be bears on Mars, first. It would take a long time, but
> the atmosphere could be seeded by engines that released the correct
> proportion of atmospheric gasses into the environment, unlike current
> engines.
> Ross

What the heck are you smoking? And where can I get some? ;)

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, XCOR Aerospace

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