
From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 20:14:11 MST

> >> BillK wrote: I found this site - Is it the one you've lost?
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards, BillK

It was Bill Kidston who re-found this site. Thanks Bill!

Nowthen, a thought occurred to me regarding favorite book sites.
There are probably jillions of them out there, and furthermore,
their content would depend entirely on who has links to them.
For instance, I originally found the site in 94 after I went online
looking for a John Steinbeck discussion site. I was heavy into
Steinbeck in 94. So the link evidently was on someone's literature

But now this link is on extropians, so if all the extropians went
to it now and posted their favorite book, the character of the
content would change significantly, eh? spike

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