Re: CULTURAL: Interesting Chicago Statistics

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 14:46:58 MST

From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>>Brian Williams writes:
>> 1A) DuPage county has easy access to g**s and no murder/less

>Where do these statistics come from? Does anyone have sources?

>I finally got around to looking up murder statistics for Dupage
>County. There were 10 murders in 1998 and 13 murders in 1999. I
>can't find 2000 statistics, but it certainly is not zero because
>there are plenty of murders in the news.
>( is the
>firstexample I found with a google search.)

point of personal privilege

As a follow-up I just got off the phone with the media relations
person for the DuPage Co Sheriff's office.

The single death mentioned in your URL is still being investigated,
it is believed now that the body was dumped there, and the official
total for year 2000 is still zero.


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