Re: Alcor

From: James Rogers (
Date: Wed Jan 03 2001 - 17:05:19 MST

At 02:59 PM 1/3/01 -0800, you wrote:

>I used USAA. They're always rated the best insurance company in every
>survey (health, life, auto, home). They gave me no trouble when I went
>through the process. You have to be military or someone who used to be
>covered by a parent's policy. USAA's service is always excellent.

I use USAA too. Although it is a semi-exclusive insurance company, no
better one exists. Exceptional service and excellent rates. And of course,
there is the premium refund at the end of the year. They also offer a very
good selection of financial services with their usual excellent
service. Quite frankly, I can't think of another big company I would
rather deal with on a regular basis.

The premium refund, for people who don't know about USAA, is where the
insurance company will give all its members a refund on their premiums at
the end of the year if 1) the number of claims filed was smaller than
projected for the year, or 2) if the investment of the premiums returns a
higher than expected yield. The refund has typically been 5-25% of their
already low insurance rates, depending on the year. This all possible
because USAA is a not-for-profit company. Hmm... This is almost a minor
tax loophole -- if they invested your premium well enough, you could get
your insurance for free.

-James Rogers

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