TRIVIA: News from Oz

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Wed Jan 03 2001 - 08:59:56 MST


I (we) went to court for the arraignment on Dec. 18 to see what would happen.

Since the host isn't formally "EMPLOYED" and is receiving social security disability for SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS "the court" (middle-aged-guy in cloak...sort of cartoonish) appointed a public defender.

Unfortunately when it asked us if we answered to the name "Kenneth D. Meyering" we couldn't respond since it identified not with the English label of the host so much as with the tingly static sort of sensation coming from the hairs standing on end on each arm and on host forehead and ears.

Felt compelled not to let the host conform and play it safe by barking "Yes, my name is Kenneth Donald Meyering"....

Wouldn't be prudent, we felt, so didn't let the host make a sound. Went and grabbed the ball in the ball (old days was a ball in a bowl and before that a nut in a cracked pot)... anyway...

So showed his HOLYNESS the "ALL RISE" how to make an entry judge the ball that creates the static charge and said the name can't be pronounced in English but probably would be articulated in pure electrostatic charge....

It scribbled "ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE" on its notes and looked us in the eyes and said "The Court hereby something something custody of Western State Hospital for blah blah evaluation determine competency something something fifteen days then some wierd looks with the eyes sort of staring seriously then a couple of NOT SO SUBTLE sideways glances to the LEFT like kind of looking over to the right and drawing a sort of little v shape with the eyes then back to a straight stair with a subtle smile (could have been glancing to the cops to begin cuffing procedure... maybe sending NLP or eye-motion-secret codes not sure).....

Anyway got cuffed by the gang in black (with the glocks) and monadnocks (same bunch who hit me in the knee and broke a joint when we held on to the ball last time and got tackled)... and got to ride in an ambulance to the hospital....

Anyway... Christmas and New Yearks came and went was pretty boring but met some pretty cool druggists and import/export experts and learned a few things about where to get mass quantities of good green and cook a little prope dope.... ((proud of new vocab..)()

Got out today and had second arraignment (added charges of INTERCEPTING PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS) (a.k.a. walking into police station with camcorder and making record of bureacratic inneficiency when some of the droids were camera shy... some stupid law about not being able to record AuDIO with the VIDEO... video only would have been ok or something...

Anyway met my lawyer and discussed the DON"T LET GO OF THE DROID (get tackled by police and charged for resist-ING arrest) incident from Deja Vu get up the courage to test the VIAGRA incident.

Prosecutor nearly showed increased moisture to eyeballs and agreed to some sort of deal where if I go to the therapist once a month and try to get to the bottom of this NO NEED TO PLEAD. Just sign here and agree not to commit a crime in next 12 months. Traffic tickets don't count. Joints do, so must not get caught.

Mentioned the whole DISSOCIATED TACTILE MEMORY thing along with reintegration of self once disconnected. Long story short, I was... the host was... born 6 weeks early because mom didn't want to have sex with dad and dad got pissed and physically kicked mom in the stomach till she fell off of bed and went into labor and had me a few minutes later partially in the back seat of the station wagon and partially while walking to the doorstep of the emergency room while refusing to be carried or touched by dad who eventually ended up picking up the cow so the calf wouldn't slam into the pavement...

Long story short...

The state appoint Dissociative Identity Disorder therapist may need some help...

Court agrees that might be possible to consult with University of Washington experts...

Which brings to mind GBN member William Calvin....

Wonder if Welfare-sponsored therapist can request assistance from a REAL EXPERT and still PAY THE BILL?

Anyway... added some bullshit to the con job. Just snapshots of the house where the host got kicked before birth and spent a good part of childhood... 111 Mizar Place....

Got a few tie-ins here and there... might do Beatles "Come Together" ((one and one and one is 3 ... 1 thing i can tell u is u got to be free) or something....

NEVERMIND, just thinking out loud again....


Global Order Defined

critical thinking

questioning authority

post hypnotic suggestion

binding spell


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