Re: BW: The Sound Of One Cell Growing

Date: Tue Jan 02 2001 - 15:42:46 MST

Ziana Astralos, <>, forwards
> Q: How did the idea of artificial stereocilia come about?
> Q: How did you arrive at carbon nanotubes?
> Q: Membranes seem pretty common in nature -- our ear drums, for
> example. Why not just make them smaller?
> Q: Then what makes artificial stereocilia superior?
> Q: You said stereocilia were "found almost everywhere" in nature. Where,
> for example?
> Q: Then why are scientists just now looking at stereocilia as a model
> for acoustic sensors?
> Q: What makes stereocilia unique?
> Q: Where do you foresee early applications?
> Q: Are there other military possibilities?
> Q: What about medicine?
> Q: Have you considered founding a startup company?
> Q. What's your immediate goal?

An interesting article but they didn't ask the question which was ringing
in my ears throughout: how do you get an electrical signal from the cilia?
It's one thing to grow arrays of carbon nanotubes on a plate, but another
to get an electrical signal when they bend! This is the novel science of
the whole project, and they didn't say a word about it. Very frustrating!


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