E-BOOKS - update

From: Damien Broderick (d.broderick@english.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Sat Dec 30 2000 - 21:10:48 MST

FWIW, I report that the publisher at Fictionwise.com tells me:


"Game of Stars and Souls" is now up at the Barnes and Noble ebook store.

To see it, go to: http://www.bn.com, click on "ebooks" in the heading, search
by author for your name. To see your ranking, click on "Browse ebooks" in the
heading, click on "Science Fiction/Fantasy" under the Microsoft Reader store,
and page through using the links at the end of each page ("more titles").

In the science fiction and fantasy category your book is now ranked number 38,
which is pretty good--you're ahead of many of those star trek media tie-in


Given that there's been no PR push for my title, I'm somewhat surprised and
pleased to find that this new outlet medium is working so well. (I'd have
expected all the top 100 or more books to be franchise titles.)

I'll be placing some more stories, and maybe a long out-of-print
award-winning sf novel, on-line through this pay-per-download system soon.
I note in passing that many more copies are being bought than have led to
rating registration via Fictionwise.com's voting system. Whether they like
or loathe my stuff, I hope my readers will take the small extra trouble to
ping the publishers back with a rating... (think of it as evolution in

Damien Broderick

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