Re: High Technology of the Future

Date: Fri Dec 29 2000 - 03:27:19 MST

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> Yes, but hunting and hunting related activities are not like shoveling
> coal, and frankly coding is more like shoveling coal than hunting is.

Okay, insanely long hours in a cramped cubicle sitting hunched in front
of a blurry, locking your eyes to near-focus object, trying to fade out
the noise and the interruptions from cow-orkers while being in constant
high-andrenaline-meet-deadline-no-sleep-mode, always locked in cyclic,
jerky movements, trashy diet (pizza + sugar + caffeine, sometimes interlaced
with speed and cocaine), before your stock options suddenly dissolve into
thin air overnight and you'll suddenly find yourself on the street, while
your age makes employers assume you're not up to latest buzzword and past
your productivity prime, anyway. (And then he woke up, wiping the cold sweat
from his brow. Whew.)

Hmm, a life spent cutting roses in a garden this is not. And certainly not
something we've been evolutionary optimized to do.

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