Re: Majors was: Nanotech

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Mon Dec 25 2000 - 04:01:40 MST

Nick Bostrom <> writes:

> ...which suggests that we should make more efforts to work out the
> foundations of our transhumanist outlook! And exactly what the problems are
> that need to be solved is usually not apparent until you actually begin to
> try to write a paper. I have a large number of aborted papers on various
> transhumanist topics rotting on my hard drive. Each started with the
> intention to write down some simple idea in a couple of pages, but in the
> process of doing so one is led to think more carefully about the subject
> and all sorts of complications arise. Still, I don't see these efforts as
> wasted.

I have exactly the same experience. Lots of starts at papers about
transhumanist issues littering my hard drive, lots of tricky questions
to think about. But I hope we can at least get out some papers on
transhumanist foundations in the future. Even a mere starting paper
might do a lot of good.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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