Re: ECON: "The New Old Economy"

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Dec 24 2000 - 13:28:33 MST wrote:
> Here's a link to an extremely well-written and researched article about the
> impact of advancing information technology and robotics on a sector of the
> economy that most people think of as quintessentially "Old Economy" - the
> petroleum prospecting and development industry (or, as we call it here in
> Houston, "the All Bidness"):

Thanks for the update. My first computer job 2 decades ago was in "the
All Bidness" automating the work of a bunch of reservoir engineers. It
was a very high tech business then with lots of state-of-the-art
goodies, many invented in-house. So I am not at oil surprised.

- samantha

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