Things I want my PDA/Wearable to Do

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 16:43:38 MST

Using GPS, tell me where I am and how to get wherever I want to go
Using GPS, tell me where my child is (or wife or consenting members of a
"buddy" list)
Free voice over IP telephone calls
Hold a table at a restaurant - I *hate* waiting in lines when we go out to
eat - my 4 year old gets really bored. It'd be nice to be able to "get in
line" while you're on the way to Macaroni Grill or whatever. I can even see
a service popping up with restaurants having a slow night advertise on your
PDA (through your intelligent agent which knows where you are - see above)
letting you know where the shortest waits are.
Let me know where the "happeningest" nightclubs are - maybe even with a live
video to let me watch the action
Let me browse user reviews of some item I'm about to buy (impulse book
purchase at Border's)
Let me watch whatever shows I've Tivo'd. This'd be handy while waiting in
line just about anywhere - airports, etc
Get live traffic reports given by actual drivers (or their computers) who
are where you'll be in 15 minutes
Reserve a parking space at the mall

I could probably think of more. I want to see what everyone else on the
list would like to see. I tried to make my list a list of things that might
actually be possible in 2 or 3 years - unlike my desire to video record
everything I see and do all day or neato cool tricorder functions that we
won't have for a while.

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