Re: World wide economic slump

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 08:02:09 MST


>Individuals who overextend themselves financially in this
>environment will get burned - some quite badly. However, I
>maintain my conclusion that investment in the long term growth of
>economic values created by innovative technologies is the best
>course. This means picking investments that are aimed at creating
>real economic value by significantly improving efficiency in areas
>that are known to be highly valued by large segments of the

Another great post Greg.

Even the great financial minds of the age make mistakes, just visit and read Warren Buffets last letter to his

But investing in value, and I think there are tech stocks that
qualify will win the day.

This current bear market is new to many investors, I've spent alot
of time on the phone with friends trying to convnce them not to
sell good holding in a panic right now. It's not easy I know, I've
watched shares on VanKampen Emerging Growth fund drop into the
sixties from the ninties where I bought them.

Batten down the hatches, stocks are on sale....


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