Re: POL: United States

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 13:20:41 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote,
>What? You mean the 'dont tread on me' rattlesnake flag isn't the battle
>flag? What is the design for this peacetime flag?
>Harvey Newstrom wrote:
>> Originally, states got stars AND stripes. The US flag got up to 15
>> or 18 stripes before they realized that it would grow too fast. They
>> then decided to go back to 13 stripes and just add stars.
>> Also be aware that the traditional stars and stripes is technically
> > our wartime flag. There is a peacetime flag that nobody ever sees.

Look at <> for a history of
the U.S. flag. It shows the different flags, including a 15-stripe
and 15-star flag. After that, the returned to 13 stripes and just
added stars for new states.

Look at <> for
a picture of the civil U.S. flag which is different from the military
U.S. flag.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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