Re: Kurzweil vs. Dertouzos

From: Evans, Edwin (
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 14:30:09 MST

[Non-member submission]

Hi all,

(I haven't posted in a long while, so I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in on
this one.)

Dertouzos writes "ask yourself whether we are truly better off surrounded by
hordes of complex digital devices that force us to serve them rather than
the other way around." Where does he come up with this? Aside from providing
me (and him) with a well paying job, allowing us to buy almost anything with
the click of the mouse, play games with people around the world for free,
get cash, etc., etc., there is one "feature" of being surrounded by digital
devices that is empowering far more than I have seen it get credit for --
search engines. They serve and empower us in so many ways - extended slow
access memory, check of ideas to see who else has thought of them, quick
answer to any commonly asked question, find products to buy, pursue quests
of interests. Search engines serve us the wonderful world of the Internet
simply by typing a few words.

Serve on hordes!

-Edwin Evans

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