Re: AGING: I'm not dead yet...

From: CYMM (
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 10:18:46 MST

ROBERT BRADBURY SAID: "...The experiment
found different mutations involving the same gene that apparently
decrease the ability to transport "Krebs cycle intermediates"
(chemical molecules essential for energy production).

The short of it is that instead of putting the fly on
calorie restriction "externally", it in effect put the
fly on calorie restriction "internally"."

CYMM ASKS: But Robert, fruit flies are relativerly shortlived, postmitotic
critters that don't run into the problems that longlived creatures with more
or less permanent mitotic tissues face.

What'll happen to the material that's shunted away from Kreb's Cycle...???
what sort of degradation will it undergo... and are organisms like us
prepared to deal with such??? would we see an increase in browning reactions
etc.... ??? Which won't be debilitating in a fruitfly...because of
timescales...but will in us.

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