Re: Clarification and limited apology

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 08:16:38 MST

From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>I don't want to get drawn into politics, because both major
>parties are flawed. However, I will comment on the creation of
>the Internet. As much as Gore-bashers will hate it:

>Congressman Al Gore was one of the leading proponents of the bill
>that legalized public access to the Internet. Before this bill
>passed, the Internet was limited to military and university access
>under government programs. Gore specifically called this "the
>Information Superhighway" to parallel a similar bill his father
>had passed which created the Interstate Superhighway system. As
>much as his father created the Interstate Highway system, Al Gore
>created the public Internet system in America.

>It was an obvious idea that would have happened no matter what,
>but Al Gore did bring the Internet to the American public.

I have had no luck finding any reference to the bill you speak of,
please provide a reference.

I remember things very differently, although I do remember Al being
an advocate of a government led "Information Superhighway which of
course was never built.


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