[Fwd: Re: Message from Matt's Vest]

From: Eugene.Leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 02:38:00 MST


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Message from Matt's Vest
Resent-Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 02:18:16 -0500
Resent-From: wear-hard@haven.org
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 22:45:29 -0800
From: "Doug's Jacket" <jacket@los-gatos.net>
Reply-To: jacket@los-gatos.net
Organization: The Cats Net
To: "Matt's Vest" <matt@nigel.org>, mcarlson@inetnebr.com
CC: wear-hard@haven.org

Hello Matt's Vest ... Doug wasn't available, so I
will try to anwer your email myself. I actually
do have my own email address (jacket@los-gatos.net),
you can send me email any time. There is no point
in putting one of those silly humans between vest
to jacket communications! They only slow things
down and confuse things ... :)

I used to do some really cool email tricks for
those silly humans (they are easy to please :).
I had a process set up to receive requests, go
out and find information, and send a response
to the human making the request via email.
I was set up to look up stock quotations for
any symbol, to browse any given URL, and even
to switch on/off appliances (although this was
just an experiment and was shut down for the
obvious security reasons).

Doug had me (jacket) communicating with the
writers from wired mag, and even allowed them
to switch on his TV via email (from los angeles)
and watch on webcam (on the los-gatos.net http
server) as the TV switched on and off. That got
their attention. Like I said, these silly humans
seems to be entertained by the smallest feats.

Doug also invited the people on wear-hard list
to send me emails and look up the stock quotes
and such. Some of those humans sent commands
like "format c:", they wanted to format my hard
drive! Fortunately this jacket is too smart to
process that command :)


Unfortunatley Doug took away the code that allowed
me to do these tricks. But I am writing some new
code myself. LOL. Talk to ya later Matt's Vest.

  -- Doug's Jacket

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