Yahoo Technical Support for DEFINE.COM

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Sun Dec 17 2000 - 22:03:14 MST

Does anyone know anybody at Yahoo?

They are hosting my domain "" as a personal website ($14.95/month).

I need help from someone in their web hosting services department. Having worked at an ISP in tech support, I know sometimes the normal e-mail support requests submitted through forms can be overlooked or receive only an auto-response.

If you know anyone there will you please help me get this folder renamed? Thank you.

here's what I said on the support form:

I have a directory with a super long name that I want to change but it won't let me. Guess the string is too long. Could you please go in and manually rename it for me:


This is too long and is causing problems at a very bad time...

Please change the directory name to:

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