Re: Immortality

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sun Dec 17 2000 - 20:35:35 MST

> The brain has very very many possible states, but it is no more
> infinite state than a hundred billion thermostats would be
> infinite-state, if you wired them all together in an interesting way.
> -Dan

Sounds like an interesting experiment. I wonder what it might reveal if the
thermostats were wired together in *parallel* like a neural net. What
increments of temperature do you reckon this network capable of registering?
Could it measure differences in the temperatures of photons? Is there an
infinite range of temperature in the universe, between absolute zero and Big

Stay hungry,

--J. R.
3M TA3

 I think I'd add "free will" to the list of "consciousness" "phlogiston"
 "vitalism" and "mind" as examples of useless hypotheses.

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