Re: Super, OK; Intelligence, OK; but..., was Re: "Enlightenment" singularity

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Sun Dec 17 2000 - 13:54:21 MST

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> The SI runs its self-tests and says AOK. Great. How do mehums
> know it has its head screwed on straight?

I'll tell you the best answer to my own question I could come up with:
"By their evident harmony with it, and vice versa." The trick may be
producing the evidence. Or maybe not--the challenge may be for the
mehums to epistemologically address "harmony" at a deeper level than
many of us are accustomed to. Then we might trust that we're not being
sold a bill of goods by the Clever Hans upgrade to Deep Blue.

May the best SI win? It remains to be seen whether the "superior" SI has
compunctions we would all miss if they were gone.

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