Re: MOVIE: "What Women Want"

From: S.J. Van Sickle (
Date: Sun Dec 17 2000 - 08:59:07 MST

On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> In every year, there is only one movie. In 1999 it was "The Matrix". In
> 2000, the one movie is "What Women Want"... with 14 whole days to spare.
> I should disclaim that, unlike "The Matrix", "What Women Want" isn't
> max-priority transhumanist material... is not transhumanist at all, except
> in the same sense as "Groundhog Day". Still, I'll be disappointed if
> "What Women Want" doesn't win the Hugo, and extremely disappointed if it
> loses to "Dungeons and Dragons". More than this, I shall not say, except
> to advise you to watch the movie.

Have you seen "Unbreakable"? I found it the most gripping movie of the
year (that I saw), despite its mixed reviews. And it *is* transhuman, in
a way. What happens when a man finds out that just maybe he isn't quite
human after all. I wouldn't be at all suprised to see it win the Hugo.


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