Re: Electronics power (Was Bitten by NIMBY)

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 15:48:40 MST

> spike wrote: > at long last, the paper usage in big companies *finally*
> begins to drop.
> > Reason: the key technology wasnt electronic communication, the
> > key "technology" was getting rid of filing cabinets. {8^D spike
> Anders Sandberg wrote: The drop doesn't seem to be that quick, and as Greg
> pointed out paper is still very competitive towards PDF files on notebooks
> and similar
> software/hardware...

Anders we both missed something here. The real breakthru is
probably CD/DVD. Now Greg can take a laptop with him in the
courtroom or wherever he goes with his entire reference library
stored on a few disks. This is one of those wild sci-fi predictions
that nobody believed 20 yrs ago, but ended up happening faster
and better than our wildest dreams. spike

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