Re: Future Jobs

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Fri Dec 15 2000 - 17:30:33 MST

From: "Randy Smith" <>

> every cent you can into real estate. America depends on contined
> to fuel its economic engine and to keep Social Security and Medicare
> solvent. They keep popping out kids in Latin America, and many of them
> wind up here. There is a massive supply of immigrants available, but only
> much American soil.

Make sure your equity is sufficiently insured against foreclosure in the
event you (temporarily) default. Do this by discounting purchase price with
full cash payment. Dealing with income property and industrial real estate
requires expensive expertise -- you earn what you learn about earnings.

Stay hungry,

--J. R.
3M TA3

"If you go back a hundred years," he explains, "one of the biggest
scientific questions was 'what is life?' And one of the most prominent
theories had to do with vitalism--some substance, some thing that is
transmitted from cell to cell, animal to animal, that is the essence of
life. Well, you don't hear anybody talking about vitalism anymore. We've
come far enough to see all the mechanics--we've seen how DNA works, we've
seen all the pieces of the cell, and we don't have need for a hypothesis
like vitalism." So it will go, Sejnowski suspects, with consciousness.
(Phlogiston, incidentally, refers to a theoretical substance that people
once sought in combustible material, thinking it made up the "substance" of

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