Re: Kevin Mitnick and the Ebay cahoots

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 08:37:13 MST

Gina Miller wrote:
> Hacker's auctions stir up controversy. Kevin Mitnick, the infamous hacker,
> has found a new and controversial way to make money: auctioning his personal
> items online.
> Within forty-five minutes of a CNET (above) news article posted late
> Thursday night reporting that the three biggest on-line auction sites: eBay,
> Yahoo Auctions, and Auctions had canceled the auction featuring
> Kevin Mitnick's Federal inmate debit card, eBay canceled the auction of
> former computer hacker Kevin Mitnick's ham radio.

That is obvious restraint of trade, hell they willfully sell Nazi items
(and fight for the right to in court) but won't sell his stuff??? I
suppose I ought to contact him to set up a "Kevin Mitnick Auction

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