Re: what an old "c"

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Dec 13 2000 - 15:29:27 MST

this is one more april fools joke. the speed of light was not first
calculated by measuring the time differences that light took to travel
from Io to Earth in the 1600's depending on whether it was moving toward
or going away from earth (how would they measure these times? The could
only have done so by redshift of spectral lines, which would have given
us relativity long before Einstein).

scerir wrote:
> Ancient Indian ideas of physics, available to us
> through a variety of sources, are generally not known in
> the physics world. Indian astronomer/physicists, starting
> with a position that sought to unify space, time, matter,
> and consciousness, argued for relativity of space and time,
> cyclic and recursively defined universes, and a non-anthropocentric
> view. The two most astonishing numerical claims from the
> ancient Indians are: a cyclic system of creation of the universe
> with a period of 8.64 billion years, although there exist longer
> cycles as well; and, speed of light to be 4,404 yojanas per nimesa,
> which is almost exactly 186,000 miles per second.
> articles by Subhash Kak
> Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
> Louisiana State University
> Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5901

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