online stalking and searching

From: Justin Corwin (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 18:48:08 MST

i have to agree. eliezer is rising quickly on my
creepy-onlinepresence-o-meter. i'm just glad that nicq is the disaffected
young onlinist that he has chosen to expose to the world. as vulnerable as
we all are to IP stalking and meta searching for our virtual droppings, it's
still strange to see how much you become a creature of the internet, with
continued use.

i would recommend, a less continious use of a nick, nicq. it does make you
an easy mark. my own usual handle, outlawpoet, is relatively common in some
quarters, and i use others for other subjects. nobody want's to be a name
brand, unless they have something to sell.

out of curiousity, it seems people here advocated google, northernlight, and
a few other search engines. which ones are the most prevalent? and are there
any that have discovered for "special uses"? such as technical searches,
literary searches, consumer vendors? i'm just interested in the collective
search experience of the extropian list, since we're generally online

>From: Dan Fabulich <>
>Subject: Nicq's Details was: Reason +/-Faith
>Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 15:27:34 -0500 (EST)
>You know, I've been here for several years, and I must say, this is
>right up there as one of the strangest exchanges I've ever seen on
>this list.
>I mean, granted, Nicq is an easy mark for Google stalking
>... but this is ridiculous. :)
> -unless you love someone-
> -nothing else makes any sense-
> e.e. cummings

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