Re: Civilization and Enemies, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFULLIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Emlyn (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 17:45:29 MST

> I could do some research, but off the top of my head there was a case
> across the river in White River Junction, VT just a couple months ago
> where a black police officer was called n_____ by a drunk woman he
> arrested for D&D. At the station he also pressed charges for a hate
> crime, and won in court over her innocent plea. The woman insisted she
> never used such language when sober and did not conciously intend to use
> that epithet.

Sounds fair enough to me. Drugs/alcohol shouldn't get you out of social
responsibility, especially when voluntarily self administered.

> Given that drugs like alcohol act to suppress the ego and
> allow the id more liberties (i.e. reduces inhibitions) this is as close
> to a thought crime as I think it is possible to go.

id? Isn't that a games development company? Why are you spouting Freud on
the cusp of the 21st century?

Really, it's not a thought crime at all. She really said it, the real

> Its tantamount to
> putting a right wing republican under the influence of sodium pentathol
> and asking them if they'd like to off Pres. Clinton if given the
> opportunity, then charging them with violation of federal law.

If the right wing republican took sodium pentathol of his/her own accord,
then wandered up to a policeman and told them that he/she would like to kill
the President, the analogy would be more accurate.


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