Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Al Billings (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 15:41:02 MST

Eli wrote:

> > As amusing as this is, it is getting a bit stalker-like for my taste.
> > you go play PI with someone else, Eli?
> Sure! You're 27 years old and you were born in Seattle. You attended the
> University of Washington. You presently live on the south end of Capitol
> Hill, not far from the Elysian Brewing Co. Your current job is as a
> tester for Internet Explorer at Microsoft, but you're a Linux fan, so
> there's still hope for your soul.

 Actually, I'm 29 and haven't worked on IE for a couple of years. I work on
one of the .NET projects now. The location is current though but I even know
which site you pulled that from. ;-) There is no hope for my soul as long
as my stock options in the Evil Empire maintain positive six figure values.
My soul has been leased to the Borg. But that's ok, I like my work.

 I'm not going to get weirded out about these things. I've been on the
Internet since the fun days when we hacked into the Engineering modem pool
in the late 80's to get telnet access. I've got data about myself spewed out
all over the place for the last 10 years, much of it probably horribly
embarassing in hindsight but what the hell, you never know. I still find
posts of mine from my undergrad days in Anthropology and when I moderated a
couple of soc.religion newsgroups.

 I already know my chance at a political career is ruined. ;-) Other people
might get a bit more freaked when you start pulling personal data about them
and posting it together. It can seem quite freaky and scary. People have
weird ideas that everything on the net disappears after you post it. Nothing
disappears though it often gets quite worn and stale.


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