Re: Immortality

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 14:43:52 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Russo" <>

> As I've mentioned, this wouldn't be my first choice. Slow uploading
> has the benefit of not triggering my survival instincts...
> ... but yes, I would allow destruction of the original in the copy

As you've noted, survival instincts would be real tough to avoid.
Particularly if the threat was explicit:

"Alright Mr. Russo, the teleportation was successful, you are now in Paris!
Please enjoy your vacation! And now, as you can see, there is a
high-calibre caseless flechette gun on the table in front of you-- please
aim towards face and squeeze repeatedly until death results. Have a nice

Of course, if I were in that situation, my primitive little instinctual
ape-brain would be like: "Whoa dude. You better back off right now, or I'm
gonna go all kung-fu on your ass."

> If I someday have a brain death and resuscitation experience as
> described by others in this thread, that's effectively what would
> happen.

mmm.... maybe.

> If I someday allow myself to be teleported in a Star Trekesque
> fashion, that's effectively what would happen.

Definitely yes.

> If I someday allow my body and mind to be cryogenically stored for
> later revival, that's effectively what would happen.

Probably yes.

> My brain has been replaced atom by atom my whole life. Pretending
> that there's a real difference if it happened much faster or even all
> at once would seem to be an intellectual dishonesty.

Definitely no. Damnit Chris, why do you have to pull this "intellectual
dishonesty" stunt again?

Of course there's a real difference. As we've repeatedly stated, the
substrate doesn't matter-- you can replace every neuron in my brain with a
synthetic one, and I'd be as pleased as punch, as long as you do so in a
fashion that preserves my original reality experiencer. In your prior post,
you -had- correctly identified the nature of the disagreement-- why are you
falling back to this position now?

> For all I know, this process happens every time I go to sleep at
> night. Little fairies may be copying me every time I lose
> consciousness.

Yes, but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that those little fairies have
heard of Occam.


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