Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 11:41:22 MST

Nicq MacDonald wrote:
> > Good thing, too, since you're a Capricorn.
> <falls off his chair>
> Right on the Aquarius cusp, no less.

Yes, I know. I thought about putting in a comment about that, maybe even
claiming that it made it "harder to tell", but that would have been a dead
giveaway that I knew you were born on January 19th, 1982. It's much more
eerie if I appear to "guess" you're a Capricorn. Right?

> Not that I put much stock in
> astrology, or any, for that matter.
> > Huh. I didn't even notice that. Well, despite the sig, your favorite
> > Crowley book is "Magick in Theory and Practice", not "Original Sin", which
> > you feel is lacking in depth. And you're also a fan of Peter Carroll.
> My favorite Crowley book is his collection of letters, "Magick Without
> Tears", which the essay "On Original Sin" is in.

Damn, blew it again. Oh, well... more books you like include "Hermetic
Magic", "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying", Dostoevsky's "Crime and
Punishment", and "Foundations of High Magick".

> I've actually never read a
> decent copy of MiTaP, and yes, I am a fan of Peter J. Carroll, even if his
> interpretations of quantum physics make Fritjof Capra look hard-nosed in
> comparison. Now tell me, who do you have planted in #thee_vortex, feeding
> you info?

I currently don't have anyone feeding me information. Everything you've
seen so far, I did on my own. I considered trying to contact a roommate
at St. Thomas to find out the name of your cat, but that would be too much
trouble. I do need to draw the line somewhere.

*You* have to stop feeding *me* additional information, though, or this
all gets much less impressive - what do you think this is, a palm
reading? Saying that you chat on #thee_vortex really takes the impact out
of my calling you "an eighteen-year-old chaos mage", which, by the way, I
knew beforehand, but too late now. Likewise with the "on the cusp" line,
which blew the January 19th bit, forcing me to use the actual
date-of-birth for verification. I was saving it for later. Sigh...

-- -- -- -- --
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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