Resource Management Program, or: external memory

From: Josh Martin (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 10:59:34 MST

I was just wondering whether any of the computer-knowledgeable of you
extropians would be able to help me find something. Looking at the piles of
papers, pdf's, images, news articles, etc. I've accumulated on my hard
drive, I started to think about how best to organize them. What I am
looking for is a computer program that can search all of my text, html, or
pdf files, by key word or some other message, much like an internet search
engine, so that I could immediately bring up assorted sources of information
on any topic I needed. If anyone knows of such a program, commercial or
free/shareware, please let me know. I have little to no programming skills
(the last time I coded anything it was on an apple IIe), but I am willing to
learn if I could accomplish this.

This sort of program seems to me to be a way to use existing technology to
enhance human memory. I am always thinking, "Now where did I read that?" or
"I know I have something about Topic X, but where is it?" Instead of
relying on wetware to remember these things, I could type in the search, and
have a much more reliable source.

Now if only I had a wearable computer with enough memory to do this...


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