Re: extropians-digest V5 #341

From: Andrew Lias (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 16:43:23 MST

>Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 20:09:30 -0800
>From: Nicq MacDonald <>
>Subject: Re: Reason +/-Faith

>What is the creation impulse without the destructive urge? What is life
>without death? What is a beginning without an ending?

I see that the Great Myth is being propogated again: the lie that because we
see these dichotomies that they are necessary -- and not merely necessary
but also good.

What is the creative impulse with the destructive urge? It is the creative
impulse. What is life without death? It is life. What is a beginning
without an ending. It is a beginning.

To demand that every thesis must meet its antithesis is the sort of
statement that sounds philosophically deep but which, really, is nothing
more than a profound failure of the imagination.

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