Re: amara's article

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 22:32:21 MST

Spike Jones wrote:

> Is there a way to calculate an upper bound on the density
> of dust between stars?

>Wait, I think I can upper bound the density knowing that
>there is no more than 10 times the amount of matter in the
>universe than is visible in the stars. Otherwise the universe
>would be obviously closed. Right?

Dooooh! Somebody save me from myself. This upper
bound would require 90% of the matter in the universe
to be not-hydrogen-or-helium, which is absurd by any
model Ive heard proposed. I think I recall a good
argument that the upper bound on the fraction of
metals in the current epoch is about 1% the mass of
the hydrogen and helium. So that puts an upper bound
of about 200 nanograms of interstellarlopers per cubic
kilometer. Right? Amara? spike

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