Modeling of Biological Systems Course at Woods Hole

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 21:38:28 MST

Forwarded from the
NA Digest Sunday, December 10, 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 50


From: Robert B. Silver <>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 14:41:07 -0500
Subject: Modeling of Biological Systems Course at Woods Hole

Good afternoon.

The use of modeling in biological and medical sciences is increasing at a
quickening pace. Modeling is opening new perspectives and appreciation to
biological entities and processes that are often not accessible by
available "wet" methods or in an acceptable time frame.

Areas being advanced by modeling include: molecular structure and dynamics,
cell structure and dynamics, genomics, proteomics, cellomics, metabolic
networks, biophysics of ion channels, physiology and epidemiology,
population biology and ecology.

Recently, we launched a multi-disciplinary course titled Modeling of
Biological Systems, or MOBS. The MOBS Course is supported by the
Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and the National Science Foundation.

The goal of the MOBS Course is to bring together biologists, chemists,
engineers, mathematicians, physicists and others into a residence course to
learn from and with folks from many disciplines, and address questions of
common interests.

The MOBS 2000 Course was a rousing success for all participants, with a
positive impact on the research of the students. We are looking forward to
another exciting course in 2001.

I am pleased to call your attention to the Modeling of Biological Systems
(MOBS) Course for 2001. You will find the MOBS Course website at:

At the MOBS site, you will find a more detailed description of the MOBS
Course, application forms, and -- most importantly -- comments from the
students of MOBS 2000.

I encourage you to apply for the MOBS 2001 Course, and to bring MOBS to the
attention of others that may be interested in this exciting area. The MOBS
course is designed for students ranging from advanced graduate students
through post-docs -- and above levels of training.

I have attached pdf copies of the application and evaluation forms for
your convenience.

Directions for applying are on the forms and at the MOBS website. The
deadline for receipt of aplications for MOBS 2001 is December 29, 2000.

Some scholarship support is available for the successful applicants.

Should you have questions about applying to the MOBS 2001 Course -- please

Should you have technical questions about the MOBS 2001 Course, please feel
free to send them to me at:

We look forward to receiving and reviewing your application.

Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable holiday season.


Amara Graps email:
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"Sometimes I think I understand everything. Then I regain
consciousness." --Ashleigh Brilliant

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