Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 21:31:19 MST

Nicq MacDonald wrote:
> Exactly. And I probably never will, unfortunately. It seems that all
> authentic experiences are being replaced with mediated fantasies and
> simulations... war is something that I read about. There are no revolutions
> left. I've never really loved or hated anyone. I'm not sure if I'll even
> get the priviledge of dying. I don't feel like I'm even alive half the
> time. If these are all so terrible, why do I long for them?
> > Can't say much for you, either.
> You just don't know me.

Nicq, are you a Goth?

I prescribe Nicolai Kingsley. A transhumanist Goth, and an excellent
writer to boot. Perhaps he can clean out your head. Of course, if
Nicolai Kingsley ever wrote a story about cleaning out someone's head, it
would be with an ice cream scoop.

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