Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 20:45:06 MST

Nicq MacDonald wrote:
> > Whereas it now looks as if he's in *favour* of troopers, war, hate and
> > death (as well as some more benign stuff) for the Nietzschean pizzazz it
> > provides in an otherwise dull life subject to harmonious Apollonian reason
> > rather than unchecked Dionysian frenzy. Count me out of your Zieg Heil
> > [spelling corrected].
> What is the creation impulse without the destructive urge? What is life
> without death? What is a beginning without an ending?
> You admit that a life subject to harmonious Apollonian reason is dull- then
> why the fervent embrace of it? I'd rather not fall down into the pit of
> Because and perish with the dogs of Reason- I have a life to live. The
> experiences that I enjoy the most, the most magical, beautiful, and sublime
> events in my life, also tend to be the most destructive, pointless, and
> irrational- yet I do them anyway. I continually ask why, yet reason
> provides no answers... none relevant to my own experiences, anyway.
> I'll let someone else worry about the singularity. I have other things to
> be doing between now and then.

It sounds to me as if you are just being carried along by whatever comes
with very little self-direction or idea of where you want to go. That
isn't living, it is drifting, a refusal to be on purpose. Maybe ok when
very young (I certainly did my share), but certainly not the key to
happiness or to success of any kind. Only the very young and protected
from life could hold such a view without suffering its consequences.


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