Re: Freematt's Alerts

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 14:12:56 MST

From: "Matthew Gaylor" <>


> Last week I
> exchanged several emails with him that has convinced me he doesn't
> handle criticism well.
> Brin responded to my afterword by calling me clueless, a liar and
> wimp etc. and demanded that I post his diatribe to my list.


> I'm in the process of collecting some useful commentary on Brin that
> I intend to post to my list. Hal Finney and Michael Lorrey have
> given me permission to use their commentary on Brin and I've received
> some other illuminating commentary from several others.

Sounds like a good old fashioned smear campaign to me. One man's "useful
commentary" is another man's slander. Hopefully the members of your list
are astute enough to know the difference.


Learn how your computer can earn you money while you sleep!

P.S. If you haven't already, you might want to research the law regarding
your potential liability for publishing slanderous comments of others. Just
my $.02.

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