Re: Correction Re: Foreseeing the Web, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFULLIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 01:07:05 MST

That's 'Butler' with one 't' :) And we'll see how XLink scales.

Assuming that it works, that leaves at least three-and-a-fraction of
Ted's criticisms of HTML/XML intact.

On the other side of the fence: none of the Xanies would have predicted
the widespread implementation and immense success and popularity of
*free* search engines. Free? Are you *nuts*? :)

I am hoping that some of the XLink implementers will at least glance at
the Udanax open source. But I don't expect it. wrote:
> Michael M. Buttler quotes Ted Nelson at
> > "The Xanadu® project did not 'fail to invent HTML'. HTML is precisely
> > what we were trying to PREVENT-- ever-breaking links, links going
> > outward only, quotes you can't follow to their origins, no version
> > management, no rights management."


> Associated with XML is the linking spec, XLink, which lets you set up
> hyperlinks between XML documents. This is intended to address many of
> the deficiencies with HTML linking.

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