Re: Mu & Mt Shasta

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 20:41:59 MST

> I wonder how long this `legend' has existed? One of Robert
> earliest stories, `Lost Legacy' (originally `Lost Legion', 1941)
used that
> idea; I wonder if he invented it, or if it was prevalent among
> and other devotees of the arcana? (Heinlein, like his pal Elron,
seemed to
> know an unholy amount about magic and the like.)
> Damien Broderick

Amara Graps reminded me that this info is available on the Net. The
Mt. Shasta Legend is a very old one, and has been connected to
stories told by indigenous peoples (Siskiyou, Klamath, and Shasta).
--J. R.
Frederick Spencer Oliver in an 1894 novel A Dweller on Two Planets,
set in a Utopian Atlantis, speaks of Lemuria, a community of sages
established on Mount Shasta to preserve the wisdom of the ancients,
and a subterranean temple located inside a hollow chamber of the
mountain. A 1932 article in the Los Angeles Times Star claimed to
have observed Lemurians holding sacred night-lit ceremonies on the
mountain's slopes. Though the article was proved to be a fraud, this
did not deter the formation of a Lemurian Fellowship in 1936, which
has further developed the idea of Shasta's inner mountain temple to
include a great stone door in the mountain and a series of
passageways leading to an entire inhabited underground realm.
Lemurian 'adepts' are in there, it is said, and occasionally come
out. They have been sighted performing rituals, dressed in long
white robes.
In 1932 some Rosicrucians popularized the belief that Shasta was the
home of the Lemurians. Their original home, once a continent in the
Pacific Ocean, is said to have been destroyed by volcanic eruption.
They are supposedly so spiritually advanced that they are able to
transform themselves from material to spiritual levels at will. They
are thought to work their power through crystals.
Legend proclaims that Mt. Shasta in Northern California was the last
refuge of the survivors of the lost continent of Lemuria. Here, the
tales relate, the Lemurians established a secret colony preserving
their ancient customs. The author shows with an overlaid map
identical outlines of the continent of Mu that covers the regions
knows as California, Nevada & Utah, where ancient caves containing
Lemurian treasures were discovered. According to tradition, many
Lemurians migrated to the northeastern part of their continent when
it became apparent that it would meet with a devastating cataclysm,
and took refuge in Mt. Shasta, which stood on a section of the
continent which eventually survived the cataclysms which submerged
the main body of Lemuria.

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