Re: Foreseeing the Web, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFUL LIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Emlyn (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 21:06:16 MST

Michael M Butler wrote:
> And then there's all the people who got into computers because of Ted
> Nelson's Computer Lib/Dream Machines. I was trying to get the Xanadu
> insiders tuned into this weird "SGML" stuff back in '87.
> Of course, the later catchphrase from Ted is that the Web was what we
> were trying to _prevent_, and to some extent he's right--but that's
> another story. :)

I'm interested in this... what is the story? I detect a lot of
pessimism/disenchantment about the current state of the net, particularly
focused on the Web. Why so anti? What's the problem? I live here, and it
seems ok to me.


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